Sunday, July 27, 2008

ghost river.

it's not uncommon for me to have large breaks between paintings. sometimes it helps me get over problems i had with previous paintings, but usually i just forget things. i do recall saying that i would not do a clean white painting ever again, but i guess it is something i will just never get over. i just really like white space, i guess. anyway, this particular painting may have a big white space, but blind to the scanner is secret in the emptiness (wooo). i couldnt scan it no matter what i tried. you'll have to see it in person. i tend to forget how fun painting can be. i dont know if that will ever change.

the painting will be at the hive gallery for the next month. toodles.


Anonymous said...

This one looked AMAZING at the Hive! I love it when you do white paintings, very signature-y of you.

mr arthur said...

i like it too. i hope someone likes it enough to buy it.